Whether your team participates in AAU baseball or in another league, you want your players to look their best. Updating your baseball uniforms is a great idea to boost your teamís morale, and there are many great choices available. Once you have selected a uniform that fits your team, coming up with the funds may prove to be difficult. In some cases, the uniforms may be purchased through an available budget through the school or organization hosting the team. In other cases, you might require your team members to pay for the uniforms out of their own pocket. With either situation, you can find some effective sports fundraising activities that your team can participate in to raise money or to build team relationships.Here are several valuable ideas that can help your team to partially or fully pay for the cost of new AAU baseball uniforms.1) Car wash ñ great idea but limited based on weather and getting the right spot2) Lawn and gardening services ñ Must have the right connections and equipment for this3) Perform tasks for a reduced fee to the community ñ Another connections-based fundraiser4) Bake sale ñ Cookies! Fun but limited revenue generating5) Sell t-shirts ñ Another good one that parents and grandparents canít resist but limited revenue opportunities6) Get sponsors who will pay for advertising space on your jerseys or team t-shirts ñ This is great if you can find it!7) Work in a concession stand ñ lemonade stands at local fairs are always a winnerFor us the ESPN fundraiser is by far the best. I have had multiple coaches over the years thank me for hooking them up with this Fundraiser. Hereís a list of the advantages:
– Great brand name recognition- Team keeps 75% of the profit!- No minimum orders and no upfront costs- Available online- No time frame, so the fundraiser can go on all season longThe website is www.coaches.espn.com and setting up a fundraiser is simple and fast.If your team is working with a tight budget, you may consider opting for generic uniforms rather than customized options. However, the cost of a fully customized uniform may be more affordable than you might think. When you employ one or even several of these fundraising ideas for your baseball uniforms, you may discover that your team can more easily afford to purchase uniforms that will give your team the confidence to play their best.